It took me quite awhile to take the plunge to paint color on my walls;  I had lived with white walls for a long time (see “White Walls Versus Colored Walls”).  Thank goodness the jump from color to Faux Painting did not!

My first attempt at faux painting was the typical sponge affect; it is great for hiding any traffic wear that kids can afflict in bathrooms.  I had talked with a paint expert about my plan and he suggested using three “like” colors to achieve the best results.    You also need to use a glaze medium when doing any faux technique.  And, of course, you need a sea sponge!

The three like colors I used were from one beige paint strip; a light, a medium and a dark.   Okay, I know what you are thinking!  Beige is not white; besides you have to start somewhere!   

Faux painting is a layered effect to create texture and it takes time to accomplish.  I suggest starting your first project with any faux technique in a small room or on one wall.  Prepping is like any other painting project; you need to tape, lay down plastic or paint tarps on floors and furniture.  Remove any outlet covers, light fixtures, pictures, and move any furniture away from walls being painted.

When sponging;  your first layer is the base coat in the medium color.  You need to allow this to dry overnight.  Next step; cut the sea sponge into manageable pieces, you also need a bucket of water for the next two layers and paper towels or rags.  The paint used in this and the next layer need to be mixed with the faux glaze medium; please follow directions by manufacturer.

A couple of notes here: 

Try the faux technique on a piece of wall board or plywood first to get the feel for it.

If working by yourself, work a small area at a time.

Don’t take a break in the middle of a wall, you need to keep working a wall while the medium is wet!

Step back to assess work frequently.

Onto the second layer!  This layer is the darkest color – yes, the darkest!  Using the sea sponge (dampened with water, but not soaking wet), dip into the dark paint/faux mixture and apply to wall in pouncing fashion.  Repeat this step until all areas are covered.  You will need to clean the sponge in water frequently to keep a consistent look throughout this process.

Again, allow this layer to dry overnight.  The next layer is the lightest color mixed with the faux glaze medium as well.  Same technique, different day!  Repeat the sponge pouncing to cover all the walls. 

We are almost there!  The last step to what I’m sure you are thinking “is sheer madness” by this point… Take the base coat color (the medium color) mixed with the faux glaze medium, along with the other two paint/glaze mixtures and fix any spots that don’t quite look right until you get the desired affect you are looking for.  That’s it!  I know it sounds very complicated and time consuming, but my very first attempt looked great.  Everyone told me it looked like wallpaper!  That was the best compliment to me.